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The Bulletin

January 6, 2020


January is Vocational Service Month

1/8 Brookhaven Chief of Police: Gary Yandura
1/15 Jennifer Wright: Entrepreneur | Executive & Business Coach | Trainer | Consultant | Speaker | Writer | Future of Work Advocate
1/22 Adam Shapiro, SalesReformSchool
1/29 4th Wed: No Meeting

Our Rotary Family

1/1 Thomas Hodgson, Jr.
1/18 Tom Kent, Jr.


1/27 Josh Moreland (24)

Rotary Online



Wednesdays, 12:15 pm
Capital City Country Club- Guest/Vis
53 West Brookhaven Drive, NE
Atlanta, GA 30319


President Tony Shaffer
President-Elect Jared Sobelson
Treasurer Michael E O'Nan
Secretary Cara O'Grady
Foundation Bonnie Hardage
Membership Benjamin Ragin
Public Image Mark Galvin
Fellowship Director Bob Cunningham

Gary Yandura - January 8, 2020

Brookhaven Police Chief and Brookhaven Rotarian Gary Yandura will be our speaker this Wednesday. We'll see you at Noon at the Capital City Club!

In memoriam

Brookhaven Rotary Club members of more than a year or so will no doubt remember Edward "Smitty" Smith. Smitty was the first person ever to welcome me to the Capital City Club on the day I came to visit and learn about Rotary. I suspect that the same is true for many who are reading this. Many Wednesdays, Smitty's smile shook me out of my "business mindset" and reminded me that I was here to follow up on a project, yes, or that I had forgotten to bring a check with me, ok, but that I am also here for fellowship, to connect with my friends and to share a smile with the folks I encounter in my daily rounds.

It is with great sadness that I share the news that some of you no doubt already know, which is that Smitty passed away last month. His obituary is available here (link). Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Don't forget to register for the District Conference!

We're heading back to Jekyll Island!

The 2019-20 District Conference will be held at Jekyll Island on April 30 - May 3, 2020. This is a great opportunity to spend time with fellow Rotarians, enjoy fellowship with members from other clubs, enjoy the island with your family, and learn more about all the great work Rotary District 6900 is doing!

The District website registration page is live (link here), so take care of this today. We're sending a big group this year and will plan to host a hospitality room.

You can stay anywhere on Jekyll Island you like, of course, and many members of our Club will be at the Jekyll Island Club (link here).

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