Nominating Committee Bylaws

ArticleElection of Directors and Officers

The President elect will solicit members to fill positions during their year just after the start of the Rotary year. At a regular meeting in October the President shall ask interested members to contact the nominating committee regarding their interest in serving or for nominations for president, president-elect, secretary, treasurer, and five (5) to seven (7) directors. The nominating committee, whose members are the immediate past president as chair, the previous two past presidents, the president-elect, and the current president, will meet before the 15th of November and review the nominations from the President-elect and the membership. The nominating committee will extend an invitation to members to be slated for an office on the Board for the following year. The nominating committee will present the slate of officers and directors to the membership before December 15th. A majority of aye or nay votes shall determine the ratification of the slate presented.

UserDavid Maddox
Revision DateJul 1, 2018

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