From Our District Governor

Our District 6900 leadership team: DG ,Mary "Poppins" Ligon, DGE George Granade, DGN Andre Marria and DGNE Gordon Owens,

Our District 6900 leadership team: DG ,Mary "Poppins" Ligon, DGE George Granade, DGN Andre Marria and DGNE Gordon Owens,

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! That’s how I feel about my time this year as your Governor, and certainly how I felt seeing all of us together in Sandestin last weekend at our District Conference. From the Pony Prix that started us off through the GRSP thank you’s in all their native languages at conference close, our Jolly Holiday was inspiring and fun.

On Friday night, several individuals and clubs were recognized for particularly great contributions. I applaud you all – and would like to make special mention of two – PDG Bob Hagan and Becky Stone, both from Roswell.

We all know that PDG Bob has been passionate in his support for End Polio Now. We were proud to nominate Bob for The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service, and prouder yet to present the award at District Conference. It reflects his long-time efforts on behalf of Rotary’s #1 goal and his compassion for the children of the world.

Becky was recognized as our Rotarian of the Year, for all she did to support Interact’s growth and get Youth & Peace in Action off to a great start in a roller coaster school year. As you will see in Becky’s article in this newsletter, we involved 600 high school students in YPA this year, and added three Interact clubs to bring our total to 83 clubs sponsored by the district.

Becky is imagining even more for our next Rotary year and I’m excited that DGE George and DGN Andre are onboard with that. To keep our energy high, I’d like to invite you to join us online on Saturday, May 14 for a

YOUnited CelebrationSM with students, parents, friends, families, educators, Rotarians, and other nonprofit and civic leaders across the US and Caribbean. You can help celebrate our new peacemakers and learn more about YPA. You can read more in this newsletter and there’s a link to registration.

We have achieved some great things so far this Rotary year, but as I said this weekend, our work is not complete. We have two more months to continue to grow our membership, grow our impact and add to our Foundation giving. I thank you for all you have done so far and look forward to seeing all you do as we finish out this year and carry forward to DGE George’s year.

Posted by Mary Ligon
May 4, 2022


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